
Hortus Capensis was contracted to supply and plant 160,000 Dendrocalamus asper in Gimbi, Congo.

Gimbi Congo

We supplied bamboo plugs to a shade house nursery that we setup onsite.

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The plants were grown on and hardened to the local climatic conditions

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At the onset of the rainy season the plants were planted out into the plantation

beginning late 2012 and commencing 2013.

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The video below was taken in Oct 2015, almost 3 years after planting

Below harvesting the first culms at 4 years 

 Congo March 2016 02
Pic taken - Feb 2016

Bamboo Plantation in Benin

Just arrived in tropical Benin, still need to get used to the tropical temperatures but with a lot of energy to start up a new bamboo plantation. After a 10 hour bus trip I arrive in at he town Parakou. Approximately 30 km away from that town you can see the freshly new bought location of 400 hectares, On our way we see that they are building a new school, from the proceeds of the sale of the land. At this point it is not easy to get to the location. We are busy with making a road with a bulldozer to get there with our small truck.

Read more: Bamboo Plantation in Benin